As you can see by my blog archive, it has been a long time since I have been consistently active on this blog. I have wanted to get back into it for awhile now, but I just didn't like the way it looked and I definitely don't have the expertise or skill to make it look more than some guy writing in his garage designed it. So, I decided to jump in and pay for someone with some skills to redesign my little blog. And I couldn't be happier with the end result!
So, I give you the newly redesigned The Calm Before the Storm!
The design was done by Fran at Freeborboleta Designs. If you are looking for any type of design work for your blog and/or social media, I can't recommend Fran enough! I really had no idea what I wanted and ended up answering most of her questions with open ended responses and she was still able to come up with a fantastic layout.
I'm sure I have lost a few, if not many, readers but I'm ready to jump back in and get them back... hopefully along with some new ones.
I'm still adding updated information to some of my links so please be patient as I get things in order around here.
I'm super excited to be back at it!
Eating At The Dragonfly Inn In Stars Hollow
3 hours ago
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