Wednesday, September 22, 2010

32 Weeks

Yesterday was 32 weeks. Its hard to believe that in less than two months we will be adding to our family. I have been super exhausted since last week and even slept for 2 hours today on the couch. We still have a few things to take care of before that happens... most importantly putting the dresser together. Unfortunately I can't do it by myself right now so I'll need to enlist in Freddy's help. But he won't initiate the project until I make him do it. So it looks like I might be forcing a little project this weekend.

Even though I passed my 3 hour glucose tolerance test, my doctor says I'm still measuring big so I had a growth scan today at the hospital. Everything measured normal but I have to go back in 4 weeks for another scan just to make sure.

I also bummed myself out today when I realized the fabric I bought for the name cross stitch that I'm doing is not long enough. I guess I'm lucky that I only had one letter almost done before I realized it. So I had to order another canvas online today and start over. I'm really hoping I can have it completed and framed before our shower at the end of October so we can display it.

I'm planning to work another full week in the office and then start telecommuting a few days a week for the month of October. I'll probably telecommute full time starting the first week of November, but we'll see how I feel by then. I'm one of those rare individuals who detest working from home so I'm holding off as long as I can.

So, here's a 32 week shot of the belly. You'll have to excuse the poor lighting in our bedroom, but I'm sure you can see the bedding-less crib in the background. I'm hoping someone gets us our bedding at our shower, which is why our crib is still naked. The blanket on the back was hand made by my Godmother's mother. I found out that she made one for me as well when I was born.





Unknown said...

I wanted to pass this on: